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Vanessa Vélez, MD




Hackensack Meridian Ocean University Medical Center- Brick, New Jersey

   Residency in Psychiatry, June 2023 


Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine- Scranton, Pennsylvania

   Doctorate of Medicine, May 2018


Medical School Electives: 

     UCLA: Inpatient, July 2017

     Medical University of South Carolina: Inpatient, September 2017

     University of Colorado: Psychiatric Emergency October 2017 

     Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona: Integrative Medicine: November 2017

     University of Washington: Consult Liason, December 2017

     Humanistic Elective in Activism, Reflective Transformation and Integrative Medicine (HEART-IM) funded by American Medical School Association and University of           New Mexico: April 2018

     Austen Riggs Center: Psychoanalytic Center September 2018


Cornell University, College of Human Ecology- Ithaca, New York

   Bachelor of Science, Human Biology, Health and Society

   Minor in Global Health, 2009-2013




Hackensack Meridian Ocean Medical Center Wellness Committee, Wellness Champion 2019- 2023

  • Organize and coordinate Wellness Hour including: Attending’s Pearls of Wisdom, Local Community Speakers and the Larger Community 

    • Topics included: Career Development, Financial Wellness, Medical Humanities, Socioeconomic Determinants of Health, LGBTQ health, Spirituality and Clinician Wellbeing

  • Create quarterly Ocean Seasons Wellness Newsletter  

    • Featuring Reflection on the Season, Nutrition, Joyful Movement, Mindfulness, Photography

  • Lead monthly meetings


Hackensack Meridian Ocean Medical Center Outreach Committee, Outreach Champion 2019- 2023

  • Organize outreach opportunities for fellow residents at local high schools 

  • Present at High School Career Days

  • Present at Cornell University Pre-Med Club


Mind-Body Medicine Skills Group, The University of Arizona College of Medicine Psychiatry Department July 2021

  • Learn breathing techniques, meditation, biofeedback, guided imagery, mindful eating and nutrition

  • Participate in small group sharing and family history with the use of genograms


Lama Foundation August 2018

  • Volunteer at the Lama Foundation, a sustainable spiritual community and educational center dedicated to the awakening of consciousness, spiritual practice with respect for all traditions, service and stewardship of the land.

  • Cook, clean, help with compost, and with other daily needs during Women Singing in Circle Retreat and All Wisdom's Children: The Universal Legacy of Samuel Lewis Retreat.

  • Participate in community practices, including morning meditation, Heart Club, Zikr, and Shabbat service.

  • Learn about community development and sustainability.


Geisinger Commonwealth Black Diamonds Art and Literary Magazine, Editor, Recruiter, Contributor


  • Recruit submissions from peers, faculty, and staff to contribute to the magazine

  • Contribute several mixed medium artwork pieces 

  • Organize and created a feature on peer’s knitting and crocheting talents 

  • Edit the magazine 

  • Participate in monthly meetings 


Scranton Love Public Art Project, April 2016

  • Design an umbrella to inspire a positive message for the city of Scranton

  • Display artwork in an outdoor art-arch installation 


Geisinger Commonwealth Chapter of Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network (PsychSIGN), Member 2014-2014; Co-President, 2014-2015

  • Coordinate the Find Your Specialty Series for psychiatry

  • Arrange events for local psychiatrists to share career experiences

  • Organize discussions with fourth year medical students in order to share insights

  • Coordinate volunteer opportunities such as the Alzheimer’s Walk 

  • Attend PsychSign Conference at the American Psychiatric Association Institute of Psychiatric Services Conference: The Mental Health Services Conference 2016 


Geisinger Commonwealth Student Ambassador


  • Conduct interviews to prospective students 

  • Facilitate tours of the medical school campus

  • Volunteer during luncheons to answer any questions and speak about Geisinger Commonwealth

  • Host candidates overnight and provided orientation to the Scranton area


Geisinger Commonwealth Peer Mentor


  • Dedicate mentorship to first and second year medical students 

  • Provide support, guidance, advice, and information regarding medical school experiences and opportunities 


Geisinger Commonwealth Medical Student Council, Health and Wellness Chair Class of 2018

2014- 2016

  • Organize a 10 week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workshop for peers and faculty members to learn the importance of the present moment and develop awareness

  • Coordinate wellness fairs with different health providers such as reiki masters, nutritionists, wellness coaches, music, massage therapy, and dog therapy

  • Prepare healthy snack breaks for fellow students

  • Surprised students with an egg hunt 

  • Posted positive and optimistic notes around campus


Build A Miracle, Volunteer


  • Help build homes for the communities in Tijuana, Mexico

  • Paint homes, mixed cement, played with children, spoke and shared with the community

  • Celebrate Christmas with a community celebration of music, games and arts and crafts


MEDLIFE, Executive Director 2011-2012; Membership/Recruitment Representative 2010-2011

  • Provide leadership to a ten person executive board, organize and conduct weekly executive board and general body meetings

  • Promote awareness and encourage education about healthcare inequality and global health 

  • Organize medical brigades to Ecuador, Panama, and Peru

  • Coordinate fundraisers for the communities in South America


Cornell University Human Ecology Peer Partnership Program, Mentor 2012

  • Address the needs of incoming students as they made their transition to Cornell

  • Provide mentorship and organize weekly academic and social activities 


LOL Cornell, Founder 2012-2014

  • Create to help alleviate stress by providing fun events in spontaneous and unexpected scenes

  • Organize Ghostbusters library flash mob, fun pillow fights, bubble blowing, Clock Tower light show, posted happy signs at the library





American Psychiatric Association. PTSD in Spanish. TEPT ESPAÑOL.. Sep 18, 2023


I have to take care of myself too with Dr Vanessa Velez. Mindful Living with Dr. Sogol. September 14, 2023. 


Art, Travels and Integrative Psychiatry with Dr. Vanessa Vélez Healer Heal Yourself, Reduce Burnout, Discover Your Creativity While You Heal Others by Dr. Hisla Bates. September 13, 2023.


A Life True to You by Dr. Jillian Rigert, DMD, MD  Healing our Minds, Bodies, Spirits, & Planet with Dr. Vanessa Velez.  August 13th, 2023. 


Female Physician Entrepreneurs Podcast With Founder Sharon T McLaughlin MD FACS. Inviting the Psyche/Soul Back Into Psychiatry With Dr. Vanessa Vélez. July 10th, 2023. Spotify.

Univision, P. June 21,2023 “Hay mucha presión en las redes sociales”: Experta Sobre el Aumento del suicidio Entre Jóvenes. Univision. 

Present Wellness with Dr. Nissa Keyashian, MD. Soul and Spirituality. May 16th, 2023. Instagram Live. 

Physician Coach Support with Dr. Diana Londoño. "Bringing Psyche/Soul Back Into Psychiatry." May 1st, 2023.

Psychiatry Department Grand Rounds "An Antidote To Depression and Anxiety: One Small Emotion Leading to Self-Transcendence" Presentation on Awe. April 19th, 2023. 

Brick Memorial High School Career Day April 15th, 2022


Brick Memorial High School Career Day April 5th, 2022


9th Annual Caring for the Human Spirit Conference & International Westberg Symposium March 28th, 2022 The Origins of Everything and Nothing In the Context of the Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Model


Criminal Justice Crisis Intervention Team Training Psychiatric Medication Awareness- Cranford, New Jersey June 11, 2021


Brick Memorial High School Pre-Med Club Meeting May 17, 2021 


Brick Memorial High School STEM Medical Technologies Day April 14, 2021 


Cornell University, The College of Arts and Sciences, Latinx Thrive! Series  Latinx Thrive! Series Career Conversation with Vanessa Vélez, M.D. ’13, December 2, 2020


Hazleton Area High School Career Conversation Challenges and Failures Along the Way; College, Medical School and Psychiatry Residency December 3, 2020 


Journal Club. Sara Ascenso, Rosie Perkins, Louise Atkins, Daisy Fancourt & Aaron Williamon (2018) Promoting well-being through group drumming with mental health service users and their careers, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 13:1, 1484219, DOI: 10.1080/17482631.2018.1484219 presented on February 20, 2020


Vélez, Vanessa, Hackensack Meridian Ocean Medical Center Journal Club. Moral Distress, Moral Residue, and the Crescendo Effect; Elizabeth Gingell Epstein and Ann Baile Hamric, December 17, 2020


Psychiatry Department Grand Rounds The Origins of Everything and Nothing In the Context of the Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Model November 18, 2020


Violin Recital, Songs By The Sea, Avon-By-The Sea, NJ, June 10, 2021 




Vélez, V. (2023, May 21). Restoring our connection to the cosmos: A vital step for healing our minds, bodies, spirits, and planet.


Vélez, V. (2023, May 7) 'Spotify Playlist: Spin Cycle' Medmic. 


Vélez, V. (2023, May 7) 'Inner flame : Grateful harmony,' Medmic. 


Vélez, V. (2023, April 17). An Urgent Invitation To Bring "Psyche" Back Into Psychiatry. Psychiatric Times. Retrieved from 


Velez, V.. (2022, June 7). Levity. in-House Online Medical Resident and Fellows Magazine- Testimony.

Wellness Winter 2022 Newsletter. Ocean Seasons. Curator, Writer and Editor.


Wellness Autumn 2021 Newsletter. Ocean Seasons. Curator, Writer and Editor.


Wellness Summer 2021 Newsletter. Ocean Seasons. Curator, Writer and Editor.


Wellness Spring 2021 Newsletter. Ocean Seasons. Curator, Writer and Editor


Tropical Oceans: Brilliant Summer Splendors. The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents' Journal. December 1, 2019. 


Vélez, Vanessa, Embracing Technology in Art. Doctors Who Create. November 1, 2019.

Green, C., Velez, V. (2019, April 01). Balwin in Bloom Pawtucket Family Care Center Spring 2019 Campus Greening Project Pamphlet.


Vanessa Velez, Charlita Lockett., Brent Medoff., Rachel Polinski., Dr. John Pamula, MD., Dr. Margrit Shoemaker, MD. (May, 2017). A Quality Improvement Initiative to Increase Physical Activity Among Adult Patients Seen in Primary Care Settings of the Guthrie Health System. Poster session presented at the 8th Annual Research Symposium at Geisinger Commonwealth Medical College, Scranton, PA. 


Velez, V.. (2018, May 01). Geisinger Commonwealth Black Diamonds Art and Literary Magazine-Untitled 2. https ://, Pub Status: Published. 


Velez, V.. (2017, January 03). In-Training Online Medical Student Magazine- Testimony. mony-2016-12644, Pub Status: Published. 


Velez, V.. (2017, September 26). In-Training Online Medical Student Magazine- Body Field Meets Sterile Field. ht tp://, Pub Status: Published. 


Velez, V.. (2017, June 27). Geisinger Commonwealth Black Diamonds Art and Literary Magazine- Pura Vida, Teacher, LA., Pub Status: Published.  


Velez, V.. (2016, June 09). Geisinger Commonwealth Black Diamonds Art and Literary Magazine- We Are One: In Each Other's Mind, Body, Spirit, Heart., Pub Status: Published. 


Velez, Vanessa., Tyler Berger., Alex Chop.,  Kyle Foley., Zaina Inam., Dimitra Landis., Kaitlyn Nielson., Bradley Miller, DO., Elizabeth Kuchinski, MPH., Janet Townsend, MD., Mark White, MD, MPH. (2015, May). Physician habits when treating and managing patients with non-malignant chronic pain. Poster session presented at the 6th Annual Research Symposium at The Geisinger Commonwealth Medical College, Scranton, PA.





Cornell Nutritional Sciences Department, Lujan Lab Research Assistant


  • Investigate the role of nutrition, metabolism, and body composition in ovarian follicle development

  • Use ovarian ultrasonography to track changes in follicle development 

  • Improve the diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome 


Cornell Global Health Minor Field Experience, Arusha, Tanzania, Participant

June-August 2011

  • Volunteer and observe pharmacy, surgeries, and medical rounds at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 

  • Teach HIV, nutrition, and hygiene education at schools and orphanages

  • Start a vegetable selling business for five HIV-infected people

  • Deliver flour and toys to Maasai village 

  • Visit and deliver groceries to HIV-infected families


Summer Medical/Dental Education Program at Columbia Medical School, Participant

June-August 2010

  • Participate in a six-week academic enrichment program for the development of students underrepresented in the health professions

  • Receive clinical exposure in internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics, and gynecology



Participant 2010, 2012 

  • Participate in a medical brigade to provide healthcare to communities in Riobamba Ecuador in 2010 and Lima, Peru in 2012 

  • Shadow and help medical doctors and dentists

  • Teach children how to brush their teeth

  • Build staircases for communities



Filgate and Kuhn Fabrications, LLC, Lyndeborough, NH, 2016-present


City Year Los Angeles, AmeriCorps Team Member 2013-2014

  • Provide mentorship and tutoring for an education-focused, nonprofit organization that partners with public schools to help keep students in school and on track to graduate. 

  • Support students by focusing on attendance, behavior, and course performance through in-class tutoring, mentoring, and after school programs.

  • Lead and organize a school community garden initiative 

  • Coordinate two drum circles in the afterschool program to promote community and connection with self 



Raymond Hanbury, PhD Excellence in Psychotherapy Award. June 2023. 

  • In recognition of excellence and outstanding achievement in psychotherapy. 


Best in Abstract Art and Use of Color Theory,  Hazleton Art League Art Youth Expo, 2019

  • Exhibited artwork in an arts festival featuring artwork by young and emerging artists between the ages of 13-30. 


Gold Humanism Honor Society, 2017

  • Recognized student for demonstrated compassion and excellence in patient-centered medicine  


Geisinger Commonwealth 6th Annual Talent Show Art Winner Scranton, PA January 2016 


Geisinger Commonwealth 5th Annual Talent Show Art Winner January 2015





Kelly-Mckenna Gallery. Secret Summer. Spring Lake, New Jersey. September 27 - November 12, 2023. 


American Psychiatric Association Art Exhibit. Fire Near the River Bank. Tapestry. Transilluminate.  Painting presented at the Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA (Virtual). May 2, 2021. 


Hazleton Art League Art Youth Expo, 2019

  • Exhibited artwork in an arts festival featuring artwork by young and emerging artists between the ages of 13-30. 


Play!, First Friday Artwalk, Trinity Studio and Gallery, Scranton, PA July 2017

  • Selected artist in cultural event that fosters growth and supports art

  • Curated artshow


Baruch College Sidney Mishkin Gallery Small Works Exhibition NY, NY March 2017 

  • Showcased in a juried exhibition by Richard Timperio, director of the Sideshow Gallery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

  • Chosen from a broad range of styles in contemporary art ranging from abstract expressionism, pattern painting, and surrealism, to still life compositions, landscape paintings, and a variety of photograph


The National Association of Women Artists Gallery Small Works Exhibit NY, NY February 2017

  • Selected as an artist in the oldest women’s fine art organization in the country â€‹


Artists for Art Gallery Members’ Exhibition Scranton, PA August 2016

  • Share and cultivate an appreciation of the visual arts in the community


440 Gallery 12th Annual Small Works Show Brooklyn, NY December 2016

  • Selected artist for a national juried exhibition of 74 works curated by JoAnne McFarland, the former Exhibitions Director of A.I.R. Gallery, the first artist-run gallery devoted to women artists in the United States 


Gallery Night, Benjamin Peters Gallery, Ithaca, NY September 2016

  • Selected artist in a walkable tour of art openings and other special cultural events in and around downtown

  • Curated art exhibit

  • Engaged with public and shared artwork postcards


Artful Exhibition 171 Cedar Arts Center, Corning, NY July 2016

  • Selected regional artist for exhibit and for gallery’s largest annual fundraiser where community leaders, artists, and supports came together to celebrate art


Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport Art Display, 2016 

  • Selected artist for a 5 month feature 


Scranton Love Public Art Project, April 2016

  • Design an umbrella to inspire a positive message for the city of Scranton

  • Display artwork in an outdoor art-arch installation 


Northeastern Biennial Twenty-Fifteen Mahady Gallery, Marywood University Scranton, PA November 2015

  • Invited artist for the eighth juried exhibition by Hal Bromm, art dealer who opened Tribeca’s first contemporary art gallery in 1976 


We Are One, First Friday Eden Café Scranton, PA October, November 2015 

  • Selected artist for community art event

  • Curated art show 


Zummo’s Café Scranton, PA June 2015 

  • Curated art display 


Artists for Art Gallery Members’ Exhibition Scranton, PA August 2016, December 2015, January 2016 

  • Share and cultivate an appreciation of the visual arts in the community


First Friday Invitational, Connell Lofts Gallery,Scranton, PA July 2015 

  • Selected artist in juried exhibition



Meditation, yoga, dancing, cycling, violin, traveling, creating and showcasing art, recreational flying 



Fluent in Spanish

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©2025 by Vanessa Velez MD, Soul Psychiatry

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